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Docket Number: OA-1431-1

Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment:
Dakota CountyTownship of Greenvale
Dakota CountyCity of Northfield
Acres transferred: 
Total Acreage: 528.01
Transfer Type: Orderly Annexation
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Rice CountyTownship of Bridgewater
Date Received: 03/02/09
Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 03/19/09
Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved
Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 400.00
Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.0325, subd. 1: Resolution Information - Joint Resolution 2009-015
Resolution: Supporting city resolution received for Minn. Stat § 414.031, subd. 1(a)(3)? - Yes
30-Day Review & Comment: 30-Day review and comment language stated? - Yes
Entire Area: Has the entire area been annexed? - Yes
Reimbursement Language: First 5 years 100%; 6th year - lump sum equal to 20x average rate for prior 5 years.
Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 03/02/09
Amended: Date of amendment - 03/27/09
Amendment Notes: Corrected County name in description.
Comments: Currently zoned ag; future business and industrial park. Private owners and St. Olaf. \ 3-27-09: Amended order to correct County name.
Initiating Documents and Map: