Stearns County›City of Rockville
Stearns County›Township of Maine Prairie
Acres transferred:
Docket Number: D-454 Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment: Stearns County›City of Rockville Stearns County›Township of Maine Prairie Acres transferred: 3840 Total Acreage: 3840.00 Transfer Type: Detachment Abutting Townships and Cities: Stearns County›City of Saint Augusta Abutting Townships and Cities: Stearns County›Township of Fair Haven Abutting Townships and Cities: Stearns County›Township of Luxemburg Abutting Townships and Cities: Stearns County›Township of Wakefield Date Received: 02/05/08 Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 10/30/08 Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved Effective: Date the order is effective - 11/05/08 Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 600.00 Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.06, subd. 1: Petition of 75% and over 40 acres - Yes
Resolution: Supporting city resolution received for Minn. Stat § 414.031, subd. 1(a)(3)? - Yes
Reason: Statement of reasons the petitioner(s) or the municipality is seeking the detachment - Agricultural Buildings: Number and character of buildings - Numerous farm buildings & homes; several commercial buildings. Rural: Area is rural in character? - Yes Improvements: Are there any municipal improvements? - Road surfaces. Population: 91 First Hearing: Date the first hearing was held - 04/03/08 Subd. 16: Date Subdivision 16 invoked - 02/21/08 Recovened Hearing: Date of reconvened hearing - 08/19/08 Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 02/25/08 Amended: Date of amendment - 12/03/08 Amendment Notes: Denies detachment of a small portion long the north section line of Sec. 32/Grand Lake Road area. Comments: Loesch et al Petition.
Administrative Law Judge Raymond Krause.
10-30-08: ALJ granted petition for detachment of 3,840 acres.
12-2-08: ALJ amended to exclude small strip of land; and ordered the city to obtain a survey that is acceptable to both the city and township and to file the survey with OAH/MBA to identify the excluded portion of the detachment petition. Initiating Documents and Map:
Notice of Hearing:
Notice of Hearing Reconvened:
Order Amended: |