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Docket Number: A-7450

Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment:
Aitkin CountyTownship of Jevne
Aitkin CountyCity of McGregor
Acres transferred: 
Total Acreage: 5.00
Transfer Type: Annexation by Ordinance
Date Received: 06/23/06
Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 07/20/06
Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved
Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 100.00
Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. 414.033, Subd. 2(3): 120 acres or less
Ordinance Number: 164
Minn. Stat. § 414.033, subd. 2b: Was a public hearing was held? - Yes
Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 06/26/06
Initiating Documents and Map:
Approval Letter: