Saint Louis County›City of Gilbert
Saint Louis County›Township of Fayal
Acres transferred:
Docket Number: D-496 Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment: Saint Louis County›City of Gilbert Saint Louis County›Township of Fayal Acres transferred: 104.22 Total Acreage: 104.22 Transfer Type: Detachment Date Received: 07/03/12 Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 08/29/13 Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Denied Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 525.00 Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.06, subd. 1: Petition of 75% and over 40 acres - Yes
City Resolution Information: City resolution opposing detachment petition. Reason: Statement of reasons the petitioner(s) or the municipality is seeking the detachment - City does not provide same services to "rural" residents as "in town" residents. Buildings: Number and character of buildings - 3 dwellings; 3 garages; 1 shed Rural: Area is rural in character? - Yes Improvements: Are there any municipal improvements? - None Population: 14 First Hearing: Date the first hearing was held - 08/30/12 Subd. 16: Date Subdivision 16 invoked - 08/30/12 Recovened Hearing: Date of reconvened hearing - 05/02/13 Reconvened Hearing Notes Reconvened hearing continued to July 29, 2013. Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 07/09/12 Comments: Pontinen, Jarvi, Nemanich & Nanti Properties. Six of eight property owners signed petition. October 29, 2012 granted extension of subd. 16 discussions; report due back by December 21, 2012. December 11, 2012 referred to hearing (Chief ALJ Raymond Krause assigned). March 28, 2013 hearing rescheduled to May 2, 2013 before ALJ Amy Chantry. May 2, 2013 hearing continued to July 29, 2013. Initiating Documents and Map:
Acknowledgement Letter:
Notice of Hearing:
Notice of Hearing Reconvened:
Notice of Hearing Reconvened 2nd:
Notice of Hearing Letters:
Referral to ALJ:
Order: |