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Map and Legal Description Requirements

In order to properly identify the land in a proposed boundary adjustment, a map and legal description must be filed with all petitions.


Corporate Boundary Maps
A municipality filing a boundary adjustment shall file a corporate boundary map that shows the proposed property in relation to the municipality. A corporate boundary map is a map which accurately describes the boundaries of a municipality.

As required by Minn. R. 6000.0800, subp. C, all distance references should be given in length. Beginning points should be land survey monuments and the description must close the boundaries. References to roads or railroads should be to survey lines such as centerline or known right-of-way line. The intent to include or exclude highway, railroad, and street rights-of-way surrounding platted blocks or lots should be clearly stated.

Plat Maps
In addition to a corporate boundary map, copies of all plats, right-of-way plats, and other supporting documents that are referenced in the legal description must be filed.

A plat map is a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. The plat must be recorded in the office of the county recorder in the county where the land is located.

Legal Descriptions

A legal description is a geographical description of the proposed boundary adjustment. Abbreviated legal descriptions and descriptions taken from property tax statements will not be accepted. 

Cities and townships are encouraged to work with their county surveyor or planning and zoning officers to ensure that the legal description and maps meet county requirements.