Itasca County›Township of Grand Rapids
Itasca County›City of Coleraine
Acres transferred:
Docket Number: OA-1443-1 Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment: Itasca County›Township of Grand Rapids Itasca County›City of Coleraine Acres transferred: 6176 Total Acreage: 6176.00 Transfer Type: Orderly Annexation Abutting Townships and Cities: Itasca County›City of La Prairie Abutting Townships and Cities: Itasca County›Township of Arbo Abutting Townships and Cities: Itasca County›Township of Harris Abutting Townships and Cities: Itasca County›Township of Trout Lake Date Received: 06/25/09 Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 06/26/09 Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 400.00 Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.0325, subd. 1: Resolution Information - Joint Resolution Signed 6-22-09/6-8-09 Resolution: Supporting city resolution received for Minn. Stat § 414.031, subd. 1(a)(3)? - Yes
30-Day Review & Comment: 30-Day review and comment language stated? - Yes
Entire Area: Has the entire area been annexed? - Yes
Reimbursement Addressed: Yes
Reimbursement Language: Agreed to no reimbursement. Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 06/26/09 Comments: Area referenced in OA-658 Grand Rapids/Grand Rapids Township (paragraph 14) as being excluded from the agreement with provisions that the area being incorporated into another township, annexed to another city, or be converted into unorganized territory. May 2002: Itasca County Resolution granting the division of Grand Rapids Township and attachment of this area to Trout Lake Township in January 2010. June 2009: Itasca County rescinded May 2002 resolution, thereby allowing Coleraine and Grand Rapids Township to enter into this orderly annexation agreement. Other Proceeding: Area included in other proceeding or orderly annexation agreement? - Area referenced in OA-658 Grand Rapids/Grand Rapids Township (paragraph 14) See Notes. Initiating Documents and Map:
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