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Docket Number: A-7393

Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment:
Chisago CountyTownship of Wyoming (historical)
Chisago CountyCity of Stacy
Total Acreage: 1280.00
Transfer Type: Annexation by Chief Administrative Law Judge's Order
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Chisago CountyTownship of Lent
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Anoka CountyTownship of Linwood
Date Received: 01/05/06
Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 08/15/08
Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved
Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 600.00
Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Affidavit: Date of service on the township - 01/05/06
Minn. Stat. 414.031 subd. 1(a)(1): City Resolution - Yes
Reimbursement Language: \N
First Hearing: Date the first hearing was held - 02/23/06
Recovened Hearing: Date of reconvened hearing - 03/24/08
Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 01/05/06
Amended: Date of amendment - 12/18/08
Amendment Notes: \N
Comments: Included in OA-1223/OA-1223-1 Wyoming/Wyoming Township; joint resolution for annexation of entire township to the City of Wyoming. 3-9-06: Referred to ALJ for hearing. 3-24-08: Hearing before ALJ. Original petition of 777 acres (part of Sectons 5 & 8) was amended (stipulated to by all parties) to 1,280 acres (all of Section 5 & 6). 8-15-08: Order approving annexation of 1,280 acres (Sections 5 and 6). 12-18-08: Corrected Order - allows annexation of Forest Ridge Plats 1 and 2 to Chisago City from Wyoming.
Other Proceeding: Area included in other proceeding or orderly annexation agreement? - Included in OA-1223/OA-1223-1 Wyoming/Wyoming Township; joint resolution for annexation of entire township to the City of Wyoming.
Initiating Documents and Map:
Notice of Hearing:
Notice of Hearing Reconvened:
Order Amended: