Faribault County›Township of Blue Earth City
Faribault County›City of Blue Earth
Acres transferred:
Docket Number: OA-123-7 Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment: Faribault County›Township of Blue Earth City Faribault County›City of Blue Earth Acres transferred: 645.44 Total Acreage: 645.44 Transfer Type: Orderly Annexation Date Received: 08/07/23 Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 03/20/24 Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Dismissed Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 200.00 Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.0325, subd. 1: Resolution Information - City Resolution 23-08 Rural: Area is rural in character? - No Tax Rate Step-Up: Does the agreement include a tax rate step-up? - Yes, Five-year progressive phasing; no increase being more than 20% of the rate increase between the City & Township rate per year; phasing will begin in the 2024 tax year.
First Hearing: Date the first hearing was held - 10/05/23 Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 08/08/23 Comments: City Resolution initiating proceeding; OA-123 original agreement does not contain 30-day review and comment language; hearing scheduled. Amended City Resolution 23-08 rec'd September 9, 2023; corrects legal description. October 5, 2023 hearing continued to December 6, 2023; then continued to January 25, 2024; then continued to March 21, 2024. Settlement reached and city withdrew; hearing cancelled; Order of Dismissal issued March 20, 2024 Original Agreement:
Initiating Documents and Map:
Initiating Doc and Map Amended:
Dismissal: |