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Docket Number: D-590

Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment:
Faribault CountyCity of Elmore
Faribault CountyTownship of Elmore
Acres transferred: 
Total Acreage: 40.00
Transfer Type: Detachment
Date Received: 05/07/18
Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 06/26/18
Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Approved
Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 200.00
Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Minn. Stat. § 414.06, subd. 1: Petition of 100% and under 40 acres - Yes
City Resolution Information: City Resolution 6.25.18 withdrawing objection and supporting petition.
Filed with affected city?: Yes
Filed with clerk of the affected township?: Yes
Filed with county recorder?: Yes
Efforts undertaken to resolve issues forming the basis for the petition: Petitioners contacted the city.
Reason: Statement of reasons the petitioner(s) or the municipality is seeking the detachment - Currently zoned as and actively utilized for agricultural purposes; large tax rate imposed; property receives no benefits for extra taxation.
Buildings: Number and character of buildings - None
Rural: Area is rural in character? - Yes
Improvements: Are there any municipal improvements? - None
Population: 0
First Hearing: Date the first hearing was held - 06/28/18
Mediation:Date directed into mediation - 06/20/18
Distribution: Date map and petition were sent to state agency contacts - 05/07/18
Comments: James & Kandis Koppen (Trust) and Marlyn Hagedorn Property. City passed resolution to withdrew their objection and support the petition for detachment. Order issued June 26, 2018 approving detachment and canceling the hearing.
Initiating Documents and Map:
City Resolution :
Notice of Hearing: