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Due to the fact that older dockets are no longer accessible, some dockets may contain only partial information. The MBAU staff has attempted to input as much information as possible.

Docket Number: C-27

Area shown in red:
Geographic area of boundary adjustment:
Wright CountyCity of Albertville
Wright CountyCity of Otsego
Acres transferred: 
Total Acreage: 21065.00
Transfer Type: Consolidation
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Anoka CountyCity of Ramsey
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Hennepin CountyTownship of Hassan (historical)
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Sherburne CountyCity of Elk River
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Sherburne CountyTownship of Big Lake
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Wright CountyCity of Dayton
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Wright CountyCity of Saint Michael
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Wright CountyTownship of Frankfort (historical)
Abutting Townships and Cities: 
Wright CountyTownship of Monticello
Date Received: 11/17/95
Decision: Date decision regarding the petition was made - 07/29/96
Outcome: Final outcome of the petition - Dismissed
Fee: Filing fee received with petition - 0.00
Map: Map of the affected area received - Yes
Description: Legal description of the affected area received - Yes
Resolution: Supporting city resolution received for Minn. Stat § 414.031, subd. 1(a)(3)? - Yes
Commission Report: Date consolidation commission report received - 02/16/96
Chair: Date consolidation commission chair appointment - 02/16/96
Comments: Board initiated 11-9-95. Motion to initiate rescinded pursuant to joint agreement between the Town of Frankfort & the Cities of Otsego, Albertville, & St. Michael. See OA-432 Otsego/Frankfort Twp., OA-433 Albertville/Frankfort Twp., OA-424 St. Michael/Frankfort Twp., & D-337 Otsego/A-5692 Albertville. Other related files: A-5644 Albertville/Frankfort Township; A-5681 Otsego/Frankfort Township; D-311 Otsego/A-5384 Albertville; D-312 Otsego/A-5402 Albertville; D-313 Otsego/A-5410 Albertville; D-329 Otsego/A-5612 Albertville; D-330 Otsego/A-5613 Albertville; D-336 Otsego/A-5673 Albertville
Other Proceeding: Area included in other proceeding or orderly annexation agreement? - See Notes.
Initiating Documents and Map: